On top of Logan's Pass at the highest point on the Going to the Sun Road. Took a hike in 80 degree weather over the snow to Hidden Lake.

A mountain goat in the sub-alpine environment at Logan's Pass

Paula hiking across one of the many snow fields on the way to Hidden Lake

Evan and Aaron engaging Dad in a snow ball fight on July 5th on an 80 degree day

A view of one of many waterfalls that grace the park

The first view of the park from the Many Glacier entrance

The Many Glacier Hotel

A small view on the Going to the Sun Road. The camera is simply not big enough to capture the entire view.

Heaven's Peak view from The Loop on Going to the Sun road

View of Jackson Glacier from Going to the Sun Road

John cooling off in a mountain waterfall
A typical Glacier Park view
An entry view from the St. Mary's entrance

On the right, Evan the mountain goat climbin a ridge on the way to Hidden Lake
Below, some Big Horn sheep getting a drink
Your photos are superb.wish I was there to share with you as it looks if you really are enjoying yourself. Hope the heat wave isn't a bother. Dont' slid down any glaciers. dad
I will have to say reading your blog of the trip has been really fun. Since I am stuck in the house (still can't drive yet) it brightens my day. What an adventure of a lifetime. I hope the boys are enjoying it, they look like they are. Take care! Luke says to say hi!!
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