At Gettysburg, nothing would placate my old friend, John Norton, other than to walk the route of General Pickett across the wide open field toward the old Union line. He wanted to see what it would be like to be exposed to cannon fire from Little Roundtop and Cemetery Hill as well as from the Union line straight ahead and try to imagine the high water mark of the Confederacy in the Civil War. I just have to say that it was a good thing they mowed a path because he did seem a bit squeamish at encountering ticks and chiggers in waist high grass. As we crossed the field the excitement seemed to rise. The history was starting to fly fast and furious from my friend. Next thing I knew he as asking me to re-enact. "Scale the fence at the Emmitsburg Road and dodge the fire", he said. "This is where the most intense fire and killing happened". After I dodged the fire and approached the Angle he started shooting toward the Angle and calling me General. "Give me a rebel yell General and lead the charge to the Angle". And just like back in college, here I was doing bizarre things I wouldn't have ordinarily done. I yelled and led the charge. It was great fun!! And I was rewarded by surreptitiously recording this priceless history lesson at the Angle after the culmination of the charge.
History 101 at the Angle in Gettysburg.
Charging to the Angle.
John shoots toward the Angle

The (mowed) path to the Angle
Crossing the Emmitsburg Road
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